
MC Heater Blower Blockoff Plate

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Product Overview

When you make the authorized modification for Spec MX-5 to the firewall plate to allow more airflow, some of that air will now go up into the cowl and then into the cabin of the vehicle through the HVAC blower inlet hole.  

If you don't cover the hole, then air and debris can find its way into the cabin while you are on track.    Maybe its a re-start after oil dry has been put down and now as you drive through that on lap 1 you may find it coming into the cabin obstructing your view.  Maybe you happen to have an agricultural excursion that brings in all the debris, dust, silt etc.   Why not just block the hole so this doesn't happen?

Made from 6061 aluminum with 18 laser cut holes.

Includes 18 aluminum pop rivets.


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